Irving Schwab (Captain)
Arthur Deagon
Frank Colvin
Edwin Sloat
Fay Petrone
George Callan
Fred Plump
Tom Spence
Adolph Hottenroth
Willis Johnston
Dallas Reach
Holmes Swezey
Wesley Davison (Manager)
Freeport 0 South Side 31 (October 4, 1916)
Freeport 0 NYS School of Agriculture 18 (October 14, 1916)
Freeport 0 St. Francis Prep 7 (October 28, 1916)
Freeport 0 South Side 19 (November 10, 1916)
It was reported that the team only won two games in 1916.
The football team was reported to be "practically self-supporting" and its total expenditures for the season were $47.38.