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Freeport Gardening Guide: Corn

This is a how to guide to help anyone get started in gardening.


Sweet Corn is a tender, warm-season annual crop that produces ears of yellow, white, or bi-colored kernels. A long, frost-free growing season (60 to 100 frost-free days) is necessary to grow and harvest corn.

Native to the Americas, sweet corn has been cultivated for thousands of years; it’s famous as one of the Three Sisters—corn, beans, and squash—grown by Native Americans.

A member of the grass family (Poaceae), corn relies on wind to pollinate its flowers! This is why we plant corn in blocks of short rows instead of long, single rows. 

Corn comes in early-, mid-, and late-season varieties. Early-season varieties are the quickest to mature, while late-season may take the entire growing season. For an extended harvest, plant varieties with different “days to maturity.” 

For more information on how to grow sweet corn click the following hyperlink to Farmers Almanac Corn.

For other resources please click on Cornell Universities Corn or click on Gardening Know How's Corn link.  


Corn, On Deck Hybrid:

Description: And now on deck sweet corn! Ever so tasty breakthrough bicolor variety is perfectly sized-4-5 tall-to spend the summer on your deck, patio, or terrace, adding vertical interest as well as producing two to three delicious 7-8" long ears per stalk. This first-ever container-ready corn is a revolution-one you can enjoy from the comfort of your patio. Simply plant 18 seeds per 24" container and get ready to harvest in about 2 months! Super-sweet (Sh2). For best germination results, make sure that soil temperature is above 55 degrees Fahrenheit prior to planting.

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Corn, Peaches & Cream Hybrid:

Description:  Peaches & Cream actually gives two different sweet flavors in every bite. It matures early in the season, grows to 6 ft. tall and has 8 1/2" long ears. The pretty bicolor kernels are borne in 18-20 rows. A popular favorite.

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Corn, Golden Bantam:

Description:  HEIRLOOM. This variety made yellow sweet corn popular.  The very first yellow sweet corn introduced by Burpee in 1902—an era when white corn, thought to be more refined, ruled the American dinner table. Still the standard for old-fashioned corn flavor, 5' stalks often bear two (highly roastable) ears apiece. Heirloom corn variety suited for early planting, thrives in cold soils.

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Corn, Sweet, Wild Violet Hybrid:

Description:  Edible treasure with pops of purple and superlative sweetness.  Multi-colored corn wows with creamy-white and amethyst-purple kernels—each bursting with sweet, juicy flavor. Color deepens with cooking. Richer in antioxidants than other sweet corns. Violet kernels signal harvest time, increasing in number as crops reach maturity. 7” long ears.

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Corn, Ambrosia Hybrid:

Description:  Plump and sweet. Perfect for summer picnics.  Ambrosia isn't just a name, its the perfect description for this white and yellow checkered sugar-enhanced sweet corn. The 8" long ears on 6 1/2 tall plants are plump, sweet and ready for summer picnics. SE.

Corn, Ambrosia Hybrid


Corn, Silver Queen Hybrid:

Description:  The most well known name in sweet corn.  Silver Queen is the popular late-season variety with tenderness and flavor worth waiting for. Large ears, 8 to 9" long, have 14-16 rows of white kernels, and plants grow to 8 ft. Proven tops for productivity, flavor and wide adaptability, its ready to harvest in 92 days. Garden-fresh sweet corn is summers greatest pleasure. Plant corn in blocks at least four rows wide for cross-pollination and well-filled ears. A packet contains 200 seeds, enough for four 15 ft. rows. Seeds are not treated.

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Corn, Northern Xtra-Sweet Hybrid:

Description:  Early yellow sweet corn with 9" ears.  No other early yellow corn combines a large 9" ear and great cool-soil vigor with Sh2 sweetness. Plant corn in blocks at least four rows wide for cross-pollination and well-filled ears. Plants grow to 5 high. For the best flavor, isolate Northern Xtra-Sweet from non-Sh varieties to stop cross-pollination. A packet contains 200 seeds, enough to plant four 15 ft. rows. Seeds are not treated.

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Corn, Nirvana Hybrid:

Description: The highest quality of kernel taste and texture.  ‘Nirvana’ is sweet and truly unique bi-color sweet corn, the best of all worlds. The excellent seed vigor and emergence comes with the highest quality of kernel taste and texture. ‘Nirvana’ is high yielding with uniform, full tipped ears that have good kernel contrast and rowing. In addition harvesting is just a snap. Bi-color sweet corn of augmented genotype. Augmented Shrunken sweet corns are a new generation of shrunken corn types. Like regular shrunkens, they contain the sh2 gene, but kernels of augmented shrunken are extra juicy and tender like sugary enhanced (SE) varieties.

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Corn, Sweetness Hybrid:

Description: Exceptional sweetness and extra early. Lend me your ears! A summer without the taste of sweet corn, is a summer ill-spent. Sweet to the last kernel, this hybrid sweetheart raises the bar for corn-loving sweetness, leading the harvest for flavor and earliness. Delectable, picture-perfect bicolor ears are set on sturdy plants, and boast excellent husk protection so each cob is of the highest quality. We love our corn every which way boiled, roasted and creamed corn. As for creamed corn, so sweet is this corn that you require just a few spoonful of cream to achieve sheer culinary ecstasy. SY, does not need isolation.

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Corn, Ultra Violet Hybrid:

Description: An eye-catching spectrum of color—and flavor! Color in every crunch. ‘Ultra Violet’s vivid palette of colorful kernels offers a spectrum of distinct, delicious flavors. Lighter kernels deliver a delicate, sweet flavor nicely complemented by the bolder flavors in hues of dark-violet. Gorgeous ears of sugary and savory sweet corn are instant sweethearts of the barbecue. Best pick these beauties early, before they darken and are overripe. 8" long ears.

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Corn, Illini Xtra Sweet Hybrid:

Description: Four times as sweet as standard hybrids. Garden-fresh sweet corn is summers greatest pleasure. Supersweet Hybrid Sh2 corn can be twice as sweet as others. Enjoy the 8" ears of corn 48 hours after picking, and they are four times as sweet as standard hybrids and will stay sweet for days if chilled promptly; and its good for freezing, too. Proven tops for productivity, flavor and wide adaptability.

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Corn, Ornamental, Glass Gem:

Description: Amazingly beautiful kernels, in a range of translucent, multi-colored shades. ‘Glass Gem’ is a stunning variety selected by Oklahoma farmer Carl Barnes, who began growing heirloom native American corn as a way to a reconnect to his native American heritage. This vibrant ornamental corn was selected from crosses made from several Pawnee miniature corn varieties and a red Osage variety called ‘Greyhorse’. Kernels are amazingly beautiful, in a wide range of translucent, multi-colored shades. The ears and stalks are great for ornamental use; the kernels may be used to make popcorn or ground into cornmeal for tortillas.

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Popcorn, Strawberry:

Description: HEIRLOOM. Delicious and decorative ruby-red popcorn. This heirloom corn is a pop star, producing several ears per 5-6' stalk of highly decorative popcorn when spaced at 9" apart. Short and rounded, the 2-3" ears remind us of large strawberries with row upon row of ruby-red kernels. Harvest ears in about 100 days.

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Corn, Amaize Hybrid:

Description: Amaize is asked for by name at grocery stores around the country because of its unrivaled flavor. Beauteous white super sweet variety is full of crunch and rich flavor. Amaize is asked for by name at grocery stores around the country because of its unrivaled flavor. Now its available to grow in your backyard as well! A standout for storability. Hardy and prolific. RESTRICTED USE: By purchasing this package of Amaize seed, customer agrees to use the seeds solely for home garden growth for human consumption, and agrees not to distribute or sell the seed, crop or plants for any other purpose.

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Corn, Early Sunglow Hybrid:

Description: Great early variety, thrives in cool weather. Early Sunglow is a great choice for areas with short growing seasons and cool springs. The height is 4 to 4 1/2, and the extra-early, uniform ears are about 7" long with 12 rows of deep kernels. Stalks yield 2 ears. Proven tops for productivity, flavor and wide adaptability. Garden-fresh sweet corn is one of summers greatest pleasure. Don't miss this one. A packet contains enough for four 15 rows. Seeds are not treated. Garden Hints: Plant corn in blocks, at least four rows wide, for cross-pollination and well-filled ears. Grows best in full sun (at least 6 hours of direct sun per day). Cultivate carefully to avoid damaging surface roots.

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Corn, Country Gentleman:

Description: HEIRLOOM. From 1890, this unusual white corn has irregular rows and great flavor. Country Gentleman is one of the most unusual sweet corns around because its white kernels are arranged irregularly, not in rows. The kernels are also very deep and narrow, hence its alternate name, Shoe-peg. Developed around 1890 in the Connecticut River Valley, it is a much bigger form of a very old variety. In fertile soils, it can yield three ears per stalk, sometimes more. It is a beautiful corn with wonderful texture and flavor. It holds its peak quality much longer than most heirloom corns.

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Corn, Kandy Korn (SE) Hybrid:

Description: Outstanding for long, late harvest. Sugary Enhancer Hybrid (SE). The SE gene (sugary enhancer) means these varieties will stay sweet and tender for 10-14 days after reaching maturity. No need to isolate then from other sweet corn. Kandy Korn is outstanding not only for its flavor but also for its long, late harvest. It has 16-20 rows of delectable, sweet, golden kernels. Harvest it just 89 days after planting. Its great eaten fresh but freezes well too. Stalks grow to 8 1/2 ft. Garden-fresh sweet corn is summers greatest pleasure. Plant corn in blocks at least four rows wide for cross-pollination and well-filled ears. 200-250 seeds plant enough for four 15 ft. rows. One pound will plant four 100 ft. rows. Seeds are not treated.

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Corn, Jaws Hybrid:

Description: Your eyes will not believe your ears! Last summer’s blockbuster yields stunning, larger-than-life ears, 12" long, 6" round—up to 100% larger than other varieties. ‘Jaws’ delivers a cornucopia of delectable deep-set kernels bursting with old-fashioned flavor. Two golden-yellow giant-sized ears can be broken in half easily to fit your standard boiling pot. Or get a bigger pot! Also try roasting them over the fire at your next family reunion. ‘Jaws’ is an SH2 and the key to success with this hybrid is to double-sow. Two seeds per hole must be planted 2" deep in soil 70 degrees or warmer for best germination. Each packet guarantees 100 ears!

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Corn, Picasso Hybrid:

Description: Striking deep-purple stalks and husks are visual stunner and culinary wonder. ‘Picasso’, with striking deep-purple stalks and husks, is a visual stunner and culinary wonder. Served roasted, baked or boiled, 8" white and yellow bicolor ears are sweet, nutty, and irresistible. Multitalented variety’s ears and stalks make for autumn-perfect decoration all around the neighborhood.

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