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Freeport Gardening Guide: Gardening Apps

This is a how to guide to help anyone get started in gardening.

Garden Apps

PlantNet Plant Identification: Pl@ntNet is an application that allows you to identify plants simply by photographing them with your smartphone. Very useful when you don't have a botanist on hand! Pl@ntNet is also a great citizen science project: all the plants you photograph are collected and analysed by scientists around the world to better understand the evolution of plant biodiversity and to better preserve it.  Pl@ntNet allows you to identify and better understand all kinds of plants living in nature: flowering plants, trees, grasses, conifers, ferns, vines, wild salads or cacti. Pl@ntNet can also identify a large number of cultivated plants (in parks and gardens) but this is not its primary purpose. We especially need Pl@ntNet’s users to inventory the wild plants, those that you can observe in nature of course but also those that grow on the sidewalks of our cities or in the middle of your vegetable garden!

SmartPlant: We make plant care simple: With SmartPlant you can discover and care for plants for free. Identify and browse thousands of plants, add the plants you love and relax while we give you the info you need to look after them.

- Identify plants accurately using real experts.
- Enjoy timely reminders to make sure you keep your plants alive.
- Identify pests and diseases accurately and quickly.
- Discover a wealth of plants and plant information.
- Talk to our experts when you have a planty problem.
- Organise your plants in one place.
- Find plants for any area of your house.
- Upload new plants to the app with a simple scan.

Get your plants added to SmartPlant to build your digital plant collection. We take the thinking out of your plants, you just need to enjoy them.

Blossom- Plant Identification App: Discover the Blossom app - your reliable plant care guide and a pocket plant identifier!  Identify plants, flowers, succulents, trees by photo and get how-tos and useful plant care tips. Set timely reminders to water your greenery on time without drowning it. Find out the best way to fertilize and repot your plants and flowers. Snap a picture of a tree in your favorite park and learn more about it. Start growing your private blossoming garden!

Garden Tags-Plants and Gardens: Garden Tags is the ultimate all-in-one app for gardeners of all abilities that’s making the art of growing easy and fun. Get planting inspiration, advice, identification and garden management in one free app. It's simple – you’ll grow more plants and less weeds.  With the Garden Tags gardening app you can manage your entire garden and plant collection in one place. You can also experience the joy of gardening with our rapidly growing community of 100,000+ gardeners and receive garden and plant advice in return. And if you don’t know what the plant is. No Problem. Our gardeners will identify it for you for free…You really can’t beat gardener powered plant identification.

Picture This-Identify Plant, Flower, Weed, and More: Instantly identify plants. Accurate, fast and content rich! In addition to description and plant care tips, enjoy beautiful plant pictures around the world.  PictureThis helps more than 30,000,000 users identify, learn, and enjoy all kinds of plants: flowers, trees, succulents, cacti and more!  When you take a walk during sunny days, have you ever come across a beautiful flower you would know more about? When you’re doing gardening work, have you ever needed tips on plant caring? Simply take a photo of the plant, PictureThis answers all the questions for you.  PictureThis is capable of identifying 10,000+ plant species with accuracy of 98%, better than most human experts. With revolutionary artificial intelligence engine, it’s constantly learning from experts and specialists, identify more and better everyday. And now it’s all at your fingertips! Picture this plant, and enjoy!

Florish - Plant Care Companion: Florish is the complete indoor plant companion app, designed for those new to indoor gardening who may need help picking new plants for a space, or caring for the ones they already own. We are a new company and are looking for beta testers who want to stop killing their plants but don't know where to start.

Vera Plant Care Made Simple: We're so excited to get Vera By Bloomscape to you - note the change to the latest version of Vera is being released in stages; if you don't have it now, you can expect to have it available for download and upgrade soon!  Vera by Bloomscape is a plant care management app that helps you and your plants thrive!